Since 25 years, Maison Déco has been decorating life. Today, the brand wants to be part of the challenges of today’s world, to grow and become a European player in home decoration. To achieve this challenge, the brand has called upon Team Créatif to reinvent itself. But above all to “create a brand universe that expresses the new identity, by promoting Maison Déco VS the range brands, while giving emotion to make it the real favourite effect paint brand of the French.

Maison Déco is establishing itself through a new identity. The aim is to shake up the shelf by offering a disruptive design in line with this new identity.
We proposed a holistic brand experience that allows the new identity to be highlighted in line with Maison Déco’s mission : “To decorate our lives by giving substance to our love of home”. An acronym that expresses the values of the music : love of home, mutual trust and the joy of making.

We created a unique & proprietary visual grammar : pattern, picto, typography, colours. This allows the brand to move from a product experience to a brand experience.

A colourful and segmented shelf that ensures brand recognition and a strong impact, a new era for the brand.

A unique identity, reinforced by the use of assets on packaging but also on other communication media.

Team Creatif has created a brand visual system to help deploy on all media. See Maison Déco on Instagram
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