How to bring a positive impact on population ?
The nutrional approach of better eating is not just about : evaluating Salt/Sugar/Fat. Innovative Siga index, based on a scientific approach (Nova index from Brazil), evaluates the degree of processed food. Siga highlight the benefits of simple recipes while identifying from the ultra-processed ones.
We defined the archetype, the brand platform and positioning of Siga to create an emotional Brand, based on scientific DNA.
Graphically, the Fan icon expresses positively all paths that can be taken / all choices to be made to discover your own truth.

To popularize a scientific approach, we created a design system, deployable on pack to web app (150 000 of app upload since launch in may 2020) being seamless and ATAWAD.

The SIGA MEDALS that reward the best products in a category :
1. Encourage Brands to DEVELOP better recipes & Distributors to REFERENCE better products,
2. Support consumers in CHOOSING BETTER PRODUCTS : More than 60 000 products evaluated by Siga, available on the app.

From theory to practice :
A pratical kit for healthcare professionals to adopt a preventive diet, already downloaded 600 times !